Navigating the Perilous Waters of E-Commerce: The Rising Threat of Rogue WordPress Plugins

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital commerce, the security of e-commerce sites remains a paramount concern. Recent discoveries have shed light on a rogue WordPress plugin capable of creating fictitious administrator accounts and injecting malicious JavaScript code, a tactic designed to pilfer credit card information from unsuspecting victims. This article delves into the intricacies of this emerging threat, offering insights and strategies to safeguard against such vulnerabilities.

The Emergence of the Rogue Plugin

Security researchers have identified a new form of threat in the e-commerce domain: a rogue WordPress plugin. This plugin, part of a larger Magecart campaign, is adept at creating bogus administrator users and injecting malicious code to steal credit card data. The deceptive nature of this plugin, masquerading as a legitimate tool, underscores the sophistication of modern cyber threats.

Mechanism of the Malicious Plugin

Upon installation, this rogue plugin replicates itself into the ‘mu-plugins’ directory, ensuring automatic activation while remaining hidden from the admin panel. This stealth approach is further enhanced by the plugin’s ability to prevent manual removal, a tactic achieved by unregistering callback functions for typical plugin hooks.

The Hidden Administrator Dilemma

A particularly insidious feature of this plugin is its ability to create and conceal an administrator account. This hidden account allows attackers to maintain prolonged access to the target site without alerting the legitimate site administrators, a strategy that significantly complicates detection and response efforts.

The Ultimate Goal: Credit Card Data Theft

The primary objective of this campaign is the injection of credit card-stealing malware into checkout pages. This malware then exfiltrates the stolen data to a domain controlled by the attackers, posing a severe risk to both e-commerce businesses and their customers.

The Broader Context of WordPress Infections

The prevalence of WordPress infections stemming from compromised administrator accounts highlights a critical vulnerability. Attackers exploit the inherent capabilities of WordPress admins, such as plugin installation, to execute their malicious agendas.

Recent Phishing Campaigns and Their Impact

The discovery of this rogue plugin follows warnings from the WordPress security community about phishing campaigns. These campaigns deceive users into installing harmful plugins under the guise of security patches, further exacerbating the threat landscape.

The CVE Identifier Exploitation

Attackers are leveraging the ‘RESERVED’ status associated with CVE identifiers, exploiting the gap between reservation and detail publication. This tactic reflects a deep understanding of security protocols and their potential loopholes.

The Shift in Digital Skimming Techniques

Europol’s recent report on online fraud highlights a significant evolution in digital skimming: the transition from front-end to back-end malware. This shift makes detection more challenging, increasing the risk for e-commerce sites.

The Global Impact of JS-Sniffer Families

Group-IB’s collaboration with Europol in the Digital Skimming Action operation revealed the presence of 23 families of JS-sniffers. These sniffers have targeted companies across Europe and the Americas, demonstrating the global reach of this threat.

The Cryptocurrency Drainer Phenomenon

Beyond traditional e-commerce platforms, the rise of cryptocurrency drainers like MS Drainer, promoted through bogus ads on Google Search and Twitter, represents a new frontier in digital theft. This trend underscores the need for heightened vigilance across all digital transaction platforms.


The emergence of rogue WordPress plugins as a tool for credit card theft in e-commerce sites is a stark reminder of the ongoing evolution of cyber threats. Businesses and security professionals must remain vigilant, continuously updating their security measures to counter these sophisticated attacks. The digital landscape is fraught with challenges, but with informed strategies and proactive measures, the integrity of e-commerce platforms can be preserved.

Top 5 Key Takeaways

  1. Rogue WordPress Plugins: A new threat in e-commerce, capable of stealing credit card information through fake admin accounts and malicious code.
  2. Stealth and Persistence: These plugins hide in the ‘mu-plugins’ directory and prevent manual removal, complicating detection and response.
  3. Exploitation of Admin Capabilities: Attackers use the administrative functions of WordPress to install malicious plugins and maintain access.
  4. Global Threat Landscape: The issue extends beyond individual sites, with global campaigns utilizing JS-sniffers and cryptocurrency drainers.
  5. Need for Vigilance: Continuous updating of security protocols and awareness of emerging threats are crucial for protecting e-commerce platforms.